Sustainable Development Goals: Enriching Teacher Education Curriculum for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning
Grace C. Offorma Prof,Chika Chukwuma -Nosike PhD
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were launched in September 25, 2015. The SDGs are 17 and have 169 targets, of which SDG 4 is on quality education which is critical to this study. This is because achieving quality education will serve as an enabler and a link to the achievement of other SDGs. Education at all levels and in its entirety, constitutes an important instrument for tackling virtually all global issues (Edor, 2014). Education being an agent of change, is a vital tool for the objectives of SDGs, especially, quality education and lifelong learning in Nigeria. Lifelong learning is about meeting the diverse and context specific learning needs of all age groups including the acquisition of basic literacy technical skills through both formal education and effective alternative pathways to learning.
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