NAE Journal




Call for Papers

The Journal of Nigerian Academy of Education has an Editorial Board and accepts well researched theoretical and empirical articles on current issues in the field of education. It must have educational value.

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The Journal of Nigerian Academy of Education has an Editorial Board and accepts well researched theoretical and empirical articles on current issues in the field of education. It must have educational value.

Manuscripts intended for submission to the Editorial Board of JONAED should:

  • be typed double line spacing on A4 sized paper using New Times Roman font size 12 ;
  • not exceed 15 pages, including an abstract of not more than 150 words typed in single line spacing and references;
  • have a title page showing the title of the article, the author(s) , highest qualification, rank, mailing address and GSM line(s);
  • be organised under appropriate headings/sub headings. For empirical studies, the following headings should be used- Background, The problem, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion;If the article is a report of a study, it should include Introduction, Method ,Analysis/Results, Discussions, Conclusion and Recommendations;
  • be accompanied by a review fee of N5000.00(five thousand naira) only made payable to the Academy's Journal account in First Bank PLC, A/C number : 2032546695;
  • be typed observing the most current version of the APA referencing style.

TABLES: Tables should be numbered in Hindu-Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1; Table 5; etc,) They should not flow over to the next page. The table number and the heading should appear on the top of the table in italics.

REFERENCE STLYLE: All in-text citations and references should conform strictly to the current APA style.


  • Provide page numbers for all quoted passages
  • Passages that are 40 words or more should be indented with 1/2 inch margin to the left and right respectively,
  • Do not indent passages that are less than 40 words.

RESULTS: Do not restate your research questions or hypothesis under this section. Present your results in tables and figures with appropriate headings.


Three copies of the manuscript with the teller indicating payment of the vetting fee should be sent to Editor-in-Chief Prof. G. C. Unachukwu, Department of Educational Foundation Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Soft copy of the final manuscript after the necessary corrections should be sent to the email of the Editor-in-Chief. CD together with the publication fee as stated on the reviewed manuscript should also be sent to Editor-in-Chief.

Information on the status of the article will be communicated to authors on the receipt of feedback from at least 2 reviewers.

  • There is no deadline for the submission of manuscripts. Intending authors can submit articles any time of the year. Manuscripts are reviewed as they are received. Information on the volume the article will appear will be communicated to the author(s) immediately the article is accepted for publication.
  • Manuscripts are reviewed as they are received on a continuing basis.


Articles submitted to any other body for publication or already published should not be sent to the Editor-in-Chief

All Correspondence To:

Prof. G.C. Unachukwu,
Department of Educational Foundations,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria.
