Udoye, Ngozi T. Ph.D, Nnorom, Nneka, R. Ph.D
Either by adaptive maintenance or genetic actualization, the Nigerian students multicultural as well as unique in his/her learning behaviours. It is understood that the components of human knowing constitute from formal and informal learning; therefore, it can be argued that every society is composed of students who are collective (emanating from formal training) and individualistic (emanating from informal training) at the same time. In other words, no student can be described as totally individualistic or totally multicultural in his/her thinking, problem solving and relational behaviours. This paper argues that Nigerian students, due to the country’s composition are wired with a template that facilitates their development into multicultural and individualistic (multindi) persons. Even in his/her ethno (rural) or metro (urban) cultural context of families and schools, the Nigerian child is not raised in a socio-cultural contextual isolation. He/ She interprets experiences and understands information multicultural and uniquely at the same time. This study proposes that though same modes are used in understanding and interpreting the environment, the interactions between the modes for the Nigerian students make for the multicultural-individualism in their understanding and interpretation. These modes are termed selves. They are environmental, physio-biological, cognitive, affective, and spiritual selves. Collectively this is called the epcas-self. Developing the epcas-self for multindi education prepares the Nigerian student to naturally integrate all the aspects of the human power, energy and force, the characteristics of which help in the development of scientific thinking as he/she trains to participate in the labour market. The researchers present an official proposal of how multindi development works for Nigerian secondary school students.
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